The judgements of Justice Lionel Murphy

Australia and New Zealand  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
xix, 332 pages 
"Member of High Court Bench; includes references to Aboriginal voting rights; protection of Aboriginal sites in Franklin Dam Case; authors statements from cases - Onus v Alcoa of Australia Ltd, Portland; Neal v Queen, Yarrabah, Koowarta v BjelkePeterson, and Racial Discrimination Act 1975, Archer River; Queen v Toohey (Kenbi, Cox Peninsula); Coe v Commonwealth; Veen v Queen." - Voila 
Publisher's note -- A biographical note on Lionel Murphy -- Introduction -- Reader's guide -- Democracy and Fundamental Rights: 1. One vote, one vale - Only Mr Justice Murphy holds that the Constitution requires electorates or equal sizes -- 2. The Territory Senators Case - The Court splits four to three on whether the territories can be represented in the Senate -- 3. The Right to Vote - The High Court decides that Australians have no right to vote, Mr Justice Murphy dissents -- 4. Once an Immigrant, always an Immigrant? - Justice Murphy sees fundamental human rights as implied by the constitution -- 5. Freedom of Communication - Justice Murphy finds freedoms of communication and movement in 'the nature of our society' -- 6. Cruel and Unusual Punishment - Did Parliament really intend life imprisonment for aircraft hijacking to be automatic? -- 7. Freedom of Religion - The DOGS Case - only Mr Justice Murphy regards state aid to church schools as unconstitutional.

Trial By Jury: 8. The Right to Trial by Jury - Justice Murphy attacks the High Court's record of 'mocking' a basic constitutional right -- 9. The Subversion of Trial by Jury - Justice Murphy denounces the BLF Royal Commission as a danger to civil liberties -- 10. The Independence of Juries - Justice Murphy recalls the history of juries refusing to convict if the law is being used unjustly -- 11. The Presumption of Innocence - Lindy Chamberlain appeals against her conviction of murdering her daughter Azaria -- 12. The Dangers of Similar Fact Evidence - The reversal of Emily Perry's conviction of attempting to poison her husband -- 13. Provocation: Subjective or Objective? - Mick Joffa kills his wife under such provocation that murder is reduced to manslaughter.

Abuse of the Criminal Process: 14. Double Jeopardy - Running the Gauntlet - If the prosecution has had two chances to run a fair trial, is that enough? -- 15. Admissibility of Illegally Obtained Evidence - A magistrate rejects a breathalyzer text for an 'unconscious trick' -- 16. Disputed Confessions and Police Verbal - Interrogation under police custody; the Victorian six-hour rule and an unsigned record of interview -- Suppression of Evidence by the Prosecution - Peter Lawless fails to obtain a rehearing of his conviction for murder, even though evidence was concealed at his trial -- 18. The Dangers of Conspiracy Charges - Hoar's Case - the High Court unanimously condemns the unnecessary and undesirable use of conspiracy charges -- 19. Acquittal Equals Innocence - One conspirator is found guilty though the other was not guilty; Justice Murphy dissents -- 20. Whose Conspiracy? A Miscarriage of Justice - A police agent provocateur accuses the Ananda Marga of a murder conspiracy and the prosecution talks of the Hilton bombing -- 21. The Law is Not Concerned with Trifles - The Court refuses to find 'possession' of traces of cannabis in pocket fluff.

Use of the Legal System: 22. The Right to Counsel - Deserted by his barrister at the last moment, Brian McInnis faces a rape charge unrepresented -- 23. Freedom of Speech - Norm Gallagher claims victory in a class struggle and is gaoled for scandalizing the Federal Court -- 24. Standing to Litigate - The Australia Conservation Foundation is held to have no interest in an environmental case -- 25. Guardians of the Gournditch-Jmara - Members of an Aboriginal tribe are held to have an interest in their tribal relics -- 26. Racism in the Criminal Justice System - A Queensland court sentences an Aboriginal to six month's' gaol for spitting -- 27. The Anachronism of Civil Death - A death sentence in 1950 is held to bar Darcy Dugan from suing for libel in 1978.

Federalism: 28. External Affairs: - John Koowarta invokes the Commonwealth's Racial Discrimination Act against the State of Queensland -- 29. The Franklin Dam Case-A 1972 UNESCO - Convention enables the Commonwealth government to stop a Tasmanian dam -- 30. The Commerce Power-Ansett Airlines argues that TAA flights from Perth to Darwin cannot set down at Port Headland -- 31. Commonwealth and State Law in Conflict - Does dismissal of a temporary ABC employee fall under State industrial law?

The Separation of Powers: 32. The Limits of Judicial Power - Was the town of Darwin expanded from 142 sq km to 4350 sq km merely to defeat an Aboriginal land rights claim? -- 33. The Courts and Cabinet Responsibility - Justice Murphy sees no room for judges to investigate State Cabinet decisions -- 34. Decolonization as a Public Purpose - The Commonwealth seeks to promote decolonization of the Cocos Islands by acquiring John Clunies-Ross's home.

Free Trade and Excise: 35. Freedom of Interstate Trade - Justice Murphy condemns use of the Constitution to 'veto' State and federal trading laws -- 36. Supervising the National Economy - Still denying and 'super-legislative role', Justice Murphy offers to compromise -- 37. Duties of Excise - A South Australian petrol licensing fee survives challenge, but a Queensland stock levy does not -- 38. The Pipeline Tax - Victoria is not allowed to levy a fee of 10 million dollars on a pipeline for Bass Strait oil and gas

Tax Avoidance: 39. An Impudent Tax Avoidance Scheme - A two-cent company claims 'public' status to avoid tax on its accumulated dividends -- 40. A Mockery of Legislative Intent - Justice Murphy argues that literalism in income tax law ignores economic reality -- 41. A Tax Avoidance Device for Lawyers Only - A solicitor treats his earnings as 'property income' assigned to his wife -- 42. An Open Invitation to Tax Avoidance - Justice Murphy rejects Sir Garfield Barwick's defence of income tax literalism -- 43. Transfer Pricing and Tax Avoidance - Justice Murphy explores the international political economy of aluminium.

Marriage and the Family: 44. A Tax on Divorce - A majority disallows exemption from State stamp duty transfers ordered by the Family Court -- 45. Custody of State Wards - The majority disallows a provision for the Family Court to decide the custody of State wards -- 46. A Child in the Household - The majority denies Family Court jurisdiction to make a custody order, since a boy who lives with his grandmother is not 'a child of her marriage' -- 47. The 'Mother' Principle - Mr Justice Murphy seeks evidence to help reassess the preference for mothers in custody cases.

Industrial Arbitration: 48. A Standard Lygon Street Log - A trade union is criticized by employers for being ambiguous, indefinite, and uncertain -- 49. When is an Industry Not an Industry? Justice Murphy rejects the exclusion of teachers and firemen from 'industry' -- 50. Technological Change and Industrial Serfdom - The phasing in of word processors is recognized as an industrial matter -- 51. The Dimensions of Demarcation Disputes - The BLF claims the Loy Yang power station dispute is only a local matter.

Damages for Personal Injuries: 52. Enterprise Liability - Who's in Charge? Liability for work injury goes beyond employment relations -- 53. Judges and the Road Toll- Mr Justice Murphy blames the courts for obscuring the social costs of the road toll -- 54. Marriage and Earning Capacity - For Justice Murphy a woman's marriage prospects are irrelevant to her earning capacity -- 55. The Balance of Probabilities - When a semitrailer and a van collide, and both drivers are killed, how can the courts determine liability? -- 56. Liability for a Vacant Lot - Who is responsible for injury caused by neglect of a derelict city block? -- 57. Animals on the Highway - Should a farmer whose sheep wander onto the roadway and cause a fatal accident be exempt from ordinary negligence law?

The British Connection: 58. British Law in Australia - Do British laws limiting damages for injury on board ship apply to an Australian ship moored in Sydney harbour? -- 59. The China Ocean Case - Justice Murphy again insists that British laws ceased to apply in Australia in 1901 -- 60. The Ultimate Australian Tribunal - The High Court liberates itself from 'binding' Privy council decisions, and explores the results for State Courts. Notes on other important cases -- About the Editors -- List of High Court Cases in the book -- List of Cases referred to. 
Biblio Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.

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