Dramatic days at the Old Bailey

United Kingdom  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
Stanley Paul & Co, United Kingdom 
xii, 333 pages 
Old Bailey 
"When throughout a dismal December night in 1922 queues of people waited for admission to the Old Bailey, history was only repeating itself. Less than a hundred years ago the Old Bailey was regarded as a rival to the theatres, and the sessions were attended by all ranks and classes, from royalty downwards. A pound was willingly paid for a seat in the gallery during the trail of James Greenacre and Sarah Gale, and when Courvoisier was indicted for the willful murder of Lord William Russell, in 1840, princes sat on the benches as spectators, and the dock itself was crowded with sightseers and sensation-mongers, who unconcernedly kept the prisoner company!" - Chapter 1 
Chapter 1. All sorts and conditions in the dock...
Chapter 2. The first of the "Hanging Judges"...
Chapter 3. The late Lord Halsbury and the Old Bailey...
Chapter 4. The judge who has a past...
Chapter 5. Comedy and tragedy...
Chapter 6. Horatio Bottomley at the Old Bailey...
Chapter 7. The doctor as criminal...
Chapter 8. Palmer and Pritchard...
Chapter 9. Dr. Philip Cross and his pretty governess...
Chapter 10. The American criminal invades Europe...
Chapter 11. The Bidwell gang...
Chapter 12. Henri de Tourville, waited and barrister...
Chapter 13. The thief who posed as a detective...
Chapter 14. An amazing adventurer...
Chapter 15. The career of James Townsend Saward
Chapter 16. Famous detectives and their exploits...
Chapter 17. Ingenious swindles...
Chapter 18. Policemen in the dock...
Chapter 19. A remarkable American social drama...
Chapter 20. The lure of the diamond...
Chapter 21. An Irish Eugene Aram...
Chapter 22. Famous flights from justice...
Chapter 23. The making of Scotland Yard...
Chapter 24. Chief-inspector Alfred Ward...
Chapter 25. Chief-inspector John Kane...
Chapter 26. A great crime problem...
Chapter 27. The Burnham Abbey Farm mystery
Chapter 28. Pierre Coignard, prince of adventures... 
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