
Tag: Australia [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Historical foundations of Australian law : commercial common law 
Volume: 2 
Year: 2013 
ISBN 13: 9781862879065 
DDC: 349.94 
Our yesterdays : Australian life since 1853 in photographs 
Year: 1954 
LCCN: DU 115 .P43 
Misplaced traditions : British lawyers, colonial peoples 
Volume: 16 
Year: 1999 
ISBN: 1862873216 
ISBN 13: 9781862873216 
ISSN: 08115796 
LCCN: KD 5020 .M57 
DDC: 340.023 
Series: Law in Context 
1901, our future's past : documenting Australia's federation 
Year: 1997 
ISBN: 0732908914 
ISBN 13: 9780732908911 
LCCN: DU 116 .A14 
The rules : an introduction to the Australian constitutions 
Year: 1996 
ISBN: 0522847269 
ISBN 13: 9780522847260 
LCCN: KU 1750 .W38 
DDC: 342.9402 
Sir William Stawell : second Chief Justice of Victoria 1857-1886 
Year: 2004 
ISBN: 1862875200 
ISBN 13: 9781862875203 
DDC: 347.9450 
A lawyer tells 
Year: 1949 
LCCN: DU 115.2 .J3 
The Kercher reports : decisions of the New South Wales superior courts, 1788 to 1827 
Year: 2009 
ISBN: 0975110357 
ISBN 13: 9780975110355 
LCCN: KUC 2.23 .A3 
DDC: 348.9440 
The other side of the frontier : Aboriginal resistance to the European invasion of Australia 
Edition: Second edition 
Year: 1995 
ISBN: 0140130403 
ISBN 13: 9780140130409 
LCCN: GN 665 .R45 
DDC: 994.0049 
Aboriginal title and indigenous peoples : Canada, Australia, and New Zealand 
Year: 2010 
ISBN: 0774815604 
ISBN 13: 9780774815604 
ISSN: 14964953 
LCCN: KE7739.L3A26 
DDC: 346.7104 
Call No: IND KNAFLA 2010